Challeng #41 Get Crazy
How was your weekend, or shall I say the past couple of weeks been for you? Are you ready to get CRAZY and confess, tell us your wacky and silly things that you have ever done? Well that is what this weeks prompt is all about.
What is the craziest thing you have ever done? Tell the story of your craziest moment and how you feel about that moment now.
So remember you have two weeks ladies to fess up and tell us all about how silly you like to get.

A bit about Holly:
Hi! I'm Holly...31 year old military wife, and mother of two little ones. Due to the nature of my husband's job, we move around a lot! But, we currently call North Carolina home. I actually love the military life. It has (and will always) give me opportunities to see and experience parts of the world that I otherwise wouldn't be able to. And, of course, that makes for some great scrapbooking material, right? I never really know how to answer when people ask where I'm from, though. I grew up in Texas, spent several years in Alaska, and lived in Seattle while I pursued my degree in commercial photography from The Art Institute of Seattle. There were lots of other little stops along the way.
I started scrapbooking about 2 years ago, after I had spent several years in the rubber stamping hobby. Scrapbooking was just a natural transition for me. It's how I keep my sanity! And, of course, I'm completely addicted!
When I'm not putting glue to paper, I'm chasing my two little ones (Luka, 1 and Hazel, 4) around with a camera. I've also been known to cook or garden when I find the time. I constantly have to keep myself busy, and always seem to be in the middle of some project or another. I am the DT coordinator for Label Tulip, in addition to being on DT's for Chatterbox, Inc. and Pink Paislee. My work has also recently been featured in Simply Handmade and future issues of Scrapbook Trends.
Thank you Holly for joining us this week and for inspiring us with your layout.
One Crazy Trip
By Holly Hanks
Hmmm... What's the craziest thing I've ever done? Well, I sold off almost all of my worldy possessions, packed my bags, and moved to St. Thomas, USVI. Young & foolish was I, and it didn't work out. But, what an adventure! I only wish I had more pictures.

You Can Totally Call Me Crazy ...
By Leslie
Yep - you can totally call me crazy!! #1 because I was!! All for love! At 19 years old I experienced my very first ever long distance relationship. I met my love over the phone - at work - many flirtations later came the first meeting. No one ever knew. I was crazy! He'd fly to see me secretly. I flew to see him. Secretly. No one knew. Call us both crazy! All for love! Well - 18 yrs later? 2 crazies are still very happily married. Add 2 kids. Don't forget 4 dogs. We are crazy! In love that is <3

Simply Crazy
By Sasha
I think the craziest thing I have ever done was skinny dipped. I cannot believe I did it but I did and let me tell you something it was the best time I think I had in a long time at the time. It was 7 of us, out there with our tig-o-bitties flappin in the wind. Good times I will always cherish.
My First Tattoo
By Glenda
Long before it was considered trendy I got a tattoo. I was 21 and my friend & drove to Regina and got inked. When we first arrived at the parlour the guy that answered the door looked like hell & asked us if we could get him some coffee as there had been a "snowstorm" last night. That should have been our cue to get the hell out of there but no, we wanted to get inked real bad! After he had his coffee & woke up I went first and got a unicorn on my right ankle. It hurt but I was so happy with it and loved showing it off. I felt like such a rebel as no one else I knew had a tattoo. This is something I have never regretted doing as it is so "me".
My Most Wild and Crazy Moments
By Emily
Moving in with James after 3 weeks of knowing each other and dating!
Having 3 kids before 25 years old.
Overcoming my debilitating fear of heights and crossing the worlds' longest suspension bridge; The Capilano Suspension bridge in Vancouver, BC.
Moving to L.A. at 14, moving back home to Seattle at 17.
Singing in front of thousands of people.
One for the Road: Auditioning for "American Idol"!

Make a Wish
By Lori
By Kimberly
Just because I was a gymnast growing up...or a cheerleading flyer...or a water skiing acrobat...or that I have two tattoo's and want another one...or that I've had my belly button pierced...and just because I've been sky diving and plan to do it again someday. I don't tell me...would you say any of this qualifies me as...CRAZY?

8,571 Miles
By Mia
I've done a lot of crazy things in my life but, I think the one that takes the cake is the time I ran away to Washington, D.C. in 2004. I just up & left in July, hopped on a flight to D.C. w/o telling a soul for 2 months. Crazy? Insane? Yes, but looking back now I wouldn't have changed a thing. I had an amazing 2 months 8,571 miles away!

Ladies, y'all know the drill!
Once you have completed your layout, please leave us a comment in this post with a link to your layout.
We can't wait to see YOUR takes on the challenge! We hope that if you've never joined us for a challenge here at The Design Experiment, that you are inspired to do so today!
See you ladies again on the 15th of February!