Challenge #52 Friends

Posted by The Design Experiment on 9:47 PM
Hey Experimenters!

Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! This week we're going to explore the friendships we've made in our lives and what they mean to us.

This week's prompt is brought to you by Emily. Your experiment is:

Create a layout based on this quote: "A true friend is someone who thinks you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." -Bernard Meltzer

Can't wait to see what you come up with!
This week we have the awesome Norma Kennedy as our Guest Designer.


My name is Norma Kennedy.
I like to laugh, create & take pictures.
The problem is I also like to paint, I like to sew, I like to cook and I really, really like to read.
So when I'm not busy doing these things I like spending time with the people I love.
The ones I love are: My AWESOME husband Damien of 14 years & my three FANTASTIC children Cade, Seth & Isabella.
It's my AWESOME hubby who encourages me to not only document our lives but really enables me to be creative. Some days you can find him in my scrap room right along side of me creating a page or 2.
I want to say thanks to "The Design X" girls for asking me to guest design. It is an honor to create along side such fantastic talent.

You can check out more of Norma Kennedy at her blog: http://www.redrediris.blogspot.com/

Thank you Norma for inspiring us this week with your work.
Slightly Cracked
By: Norma Kennedy

By: Rachel Whetzel


(My journaling is on the back of my page because I really wanted the quote and egg picture to carry this one.)
A little over a year ago, I finally found a true friend. I'm so happy that we have become the friends we are... no worries about whether I'm saying something "uncool" or if I'll be judged for being my goofy self... she loves me all the way. She helped me see that I am lovable... even though my whole dozen eggs are totally and ABSOLUTELY cracked.

**Photo credit for the AWESOME cracked egg photo goes to nickwheeleroz used with permission through creative commons.

A True Friend
By: Glenda Tkalac


I am so blessed to have a friend like Gay because she totally gets me and thinks & laughs about the same stuff I do. We have reduced each other on numerous occasions to almost wetting our pants! We find something every single day to laugh and talk about and it makes going to work much less painful. I like to think she came into my life for a reason and the reason being that I needed a good friend like her. She has the biggest heart and would do anything for me. I love her like a sister.

A True Friend
By: Kristina Kiessig


always there. willing to listen and support one another through the good times and bad. wanting to show up for one another in even the smallest of ways. ever-changing. always friends.

Online Girlfriends
By: Mia Caniza


We met through the AMM message boards. We got to know each other through YM. A day is not complete unless I get to chat with them. I will forever be thankful for this online friendship & the joy & laughter it has brought me.

Alright Experimenters, let's see your take on this quote. Thanks for playing ... now go Xperiment.


Challenge #51 Flashback

Posted by The Design Experiment on 1:35 AM
Hi Experimenters!

Have you ever looked back through old photos and wondered why you ever did something? Well, this week it's time for some flashback. We're challenging you to go through your old photos and take a walk down memory lane.

This week's prompt is brought to you by Divian. Your experiment this week is:

So, we all have those photos that we pull out and immediately shout, "What was I thinking!!!???" Whether it was the hairdo, the outfit, the makeup, what we were listening to... when we gather with friends from yesteryear, we almost always have to take a trip down 'memory lane'. I know that is the way it is for me. We all get together, start talking about the high school crushes... OH! OH! Remember that time you got kicked out of the lunch room, or threw eggs at the band director's house?! Dude. Totally me.

For this challenge, I want you to venture back. Go back to high school, junior high, college... when you were in your early teens or 20s and create a layout centered around, "What was I thinking!?" The title should be just that... What was I thinking, but you can make it about anything! So go on, drudge up those photos with you wearing your cutoff denim shorts, Dexter's penny loafers, hammer pants, or Aquanet hair spray and tell us about it!

Can't wait to see your projects, ladies!
This week we have the awesome, Renee Lamb, guesting with us.


Hey y'all! My name is Renee Lamb and I am married with 4 stepdaughters and a female boxer named Gracie! With all the estrogen flying about there is never a dull moment around these parts! My husband would attest to that! Ha ha! I love it and it is what gives me my inspiration to photograph and scrap!

I have been scrapbooking for a while but I would say more actively since joining the online world of crafting two years ago. I was immediately sucked in to all the inspiration and have been hooked ever since! I love to create and am typically drawn to bright colors and just like to have fun with my projects. I try to have that show in each creation. I have just recently had some work published in Scrapbook Trends, Paper Crafts and Creating Keepsakes.

I am extremely honored to be a Guest Designer for TDX since I come here for inspiration ALOT and really enjoy their challenges! You can read and learn more about me by visiting my blog: http://reneelamb.wordpress.com (Crazy Thing Called Life)

Thank you Renee for joining us this week and inspiring us with your work!
What Was I Thinking
By: Renee Lamb


I can empathize with the "awkward" stage having gone through one from 1988-1995. During a span of time that bigger was better. Big hair, big pants, big GLASSES.

That being said, seeing these pictures rocketed me right back to the late 80's - early 90's when I was between the ages of 9 and 11, in which I donned big glasses, neon colors, stone wash denim, and who can deny those McHammer pants. dun dun dun dun... "Can't touch this!" At this point in my personal time line, I had also not yet learned how to 1) personally style my hair or 2) have a sense of style (check out the denim shirt in Picture A). 3) Have the sense to sport glasses that would not be consistent with the size of a wind sheild. I even remember breaking these frames in a basketball game and turning around and getting the EXACT same pair in MAROON! I wore those things right up to the time I finally got contacts my Sophomore year in High School.

What was I thinking???

What Was I Thinking?
By: Glenda Tkalac


It was 1988 and I bought a Honda 500. John taught me how to ride it in the mall parking lot and then I was off! I thought that I was pretty damn cool, this chick with the big hair riding the big motorcycle! I remember once that I fell in the alley and I had to pick the bike up by myself - it took all I had but I did it! I used to love seeing the looks on people's faces when they would see me on the bike! I still can't believe though that I wore this tube top thingy riding! What the hell was I thinking? What if it would have fallen down??? Haha. Oh to be young again and not have a care in the world. I don't regret this, if anything I have some wicked memories!!!

Big Hair
By: Mye Murrell


Class of 1992, a time for big hair and big earrings!!
Can't say for sure what I was thinking, but I know I was styling!!!
Couldn't no one tell I wasn't cute with my big hair and hair cute!

What The Hell
By: Mia Caniza


was I ever thinking? I was 18 in this photo. It was my 1st year in college, my first year away from my parents. My 1st year of freedom, I could do anything I wanted. Well, as a gift to myself on my 18th birthday, I decided to get my hair done, specifically I wanted a perm. My hair has always been straight so I wanted some curls. Bad idea! It was cool the first few days but after that, ugh! Disaster! Never, ever again will I do something that stupid!

Alright Experimenters let's see your "What was I thinking?" moments. Thanks for playing .. now go Xperiment .


Challenge #50 The Start of Summer

Posted by The Design Experiment on 9:27 PM
Hey Experimenters!

Hope you are had a wonderful weekend! How's your first weekend of some warm summer weather? Hope you're enjoying the start of summer.

This week our prompt is brought to you by Amy and we are going to talk about our favorite things to do once the summer starts.


Document your favorite warm weather activity.

Ok ladies, let us know how you like to celebrate your summer.
Joining us this week is the awesome
Staci Taylor!


I live in Maryland with my hubby of 7 years and my two little ones (ages 4 and 2) who keep me hopping all day long! I work part-time as a School Psychologist, and full-time as a mama ;-) I started scrapping 5 years ago when I was pregnant with my son, and it didn't take long for me to become addicted! Thankfully, my wonderful artistic husband supports my habit (I mean hobby!). I feel very blessed to be on the design teams for the manufacturers Fancy Pants and Luxe, as well as the online store/kit club, Create My Keepsake. My work has been published in Memory Makers and Scrapbook Trends magazines, and you are always welcome to visit me on my blog:

Thank you Staci for joining us this week and inspiring us.
It's All About the BBQs

By: Staci Taylor


As soon as the weather turns warm, the bbq'in begins. There's nothing better then good food, good friends and good weather!

Let's Walk the Boys

By: Glenda Tkalac


As soon as the snow starts to melt and it starts getting nice outside I love taking the boys for a walk. John is usually always game for a walk too as long as he's not too tired from work. It's a nice way for us to talk and the boys to get out of the house.



By: Amy Coose


My favorite thing we do in the summer is going to TX. There's really nothing better than family!


Berry Picking
By: Kristina Kiessig

Kristina says:

This challenge was a lot of fun. I knew that I would do something that had to do with our vegetable garden because it is one of the things that we love best about summer. It's something that's fun but it also teaches my children a valuable lesson about caring and nurturing all at the same time.


I love the fact that my family can walk out to our garden on a hot summer day and go berry picking.


Photo Opt

By: Mye Murrell


At the first sign of warm weather I grab the camera and its off to the park for photos, and the little girl is always ready for photo opts.

At The Beach!

By: Mia Caniza


Living in a tropical country I'm pretty lucky that it's warm most of the year. i love hanging out by the pool but what makes me even happier is going to the beach. Any chance I get, I love to go to our local beaches. -06/09

Alright Experimenters let's see what you love to do during the warm summer months. Thanks for playing .. now go Xperiment .


Challenge #49 Daily Grind

Posted by The Design Experiment on 7:14 PM

Hey there Experimenters,

Hope you had a wonderful long 3 day weekend, and supported those that support us. I want to personally thank all of my comrads out there, my husband whom is currently deployed to Iraq and those who have served and the SPOUSES as well.

Today our prompt is brought to us by Sasha and we are going to talk about those things that you just HAVE to do each day and those that you wish to avoid.

What are at least 5 things you have to have or do in your day.. or else your day would not be complete? What are the 3 things you try to avoid doing throughout your day?

Alright ladies whatcha got .. let's get a little inspiration from our Design Team:
This week we are joined by the amazing, Allison Landy


I'm a single mom of two crazy, random, unique, original, free-spirited young adults (18 & 21).

I have a tendency for picking up strays - canine, feline and human. I currently have two dogs rescued off the streets and one cat.

By day I work full time as a Senior Policy Specialist in Early Childhood and part time as an adjunct professor at Arizona State University.

But by the evening and weekend hours I am most happy hanging in my studio getting my scrap on.

I have been scrapbooking since the dark ages and even remember the premiere issue of Creating Keepsakes Magazine. I've been on various design teams such as Rusty Pickle and Imagination Project, but currently enjoy scrapping just for fun and therapy.
I've had several publications in Creating Keepsakes; Simple Scrapbooks; Scrapbooks ETC, Cards and various idea books. But my most proud scrapbooking moment was the day I learned my layout would grace the cover of Creating Keepsakes June 2005.

Thank you Ally for joining us this week and giving us so much inspiration
A Perfect Happy Day
By: Allison Landy


Coffee @ my favorite diner

Communing w/nature

Getting creative & crafty

Surfing the net

Candlelit dinners @ home

The Daily Grind
By: Glenda Tkalac


It doesn't take alot to make me happy, most of the time it's the little things that do it for me. I love to have 2 cups of coffee every morning before I go to work. On the way to work I listen to the Goo Goo Dolls and then after work I look forward to seeing John and talking about our day. I also need to touch base with Paige and the boys so that I know all is well. This is my life.

Not the DISHES
By: Rachel Whetzel

one day at a time...
chat on the phone
check emails
drink my coffee...
laugh at my silly boys

no matter what the day is
like, i try to fit some
of this in...
and of course, AVOID

dishes laundry
cleaning or
any other fun busters like
the plague...

I Must Admit
By: Mye Murrell

I must admit, it doesn’t take a lot to please me…..But there are some “must haves” that I need in my daily.You know those little things that make my day like:

1.) Chat with my Mommy – this I do in the morning on my way to work, don’t know what I’d do with my Mommy fix
2 .) Cell phone – need this in order to accomplish the previous
3.) iPod – need this for the ride into work, and to tune some folks out!!
4.) Internet Fix – gotta keep with the WWW, and most important
5.) Chat with my Hubby – Simple because he’s my world!

Do on the Daily
By: Kristina Kiessig

A Day in the Life
By: Amy Coose

I couldn't get through my busy day without a few must-haves: exercise, lots of coffee, my calendar, cell phone, and some 'me time' on the computer. Some things I try to avoid? Laundry, endless cleaning, and that candy bowl that always calls my name.

5 Things yes & 3 Things no
By: Sasha Holloway


Can't Live

By: Divian Conner


I have to kiss you, hug you, scream that i love you. i have to prepare yourmeals, let you join in...i have to ask one of you to bring my energy drinkfrom the fridge so i can make itthrough working at home on the computer and of course, i have to yellfor you all to shut the front doorclosed because you are letting flies inor else my day would not be complete.

Alright Experimenters let's see what you cannot live without doing daily and those 3 things that you at least TRY to avoid. Thanks for playing .. now go Xperiment ..


Introducing .. New Design X Girls

Posted by The Design Experiment on 10:07 AM
Hey X-perimenters,

Happy Memorial Day to you all. Thank you for all the men and women out there that have served and are currently serving our country.

Before we get started I wanted to take the time to introduce 3 new X Girls. We have 4 but right now she has some other obligations to take care of .. but in the mean time let's give a big warm welcome to these 3 talented ladies ... we are more than excited to have them on the team they will be a great addition.

You are going to see alot more variety now between Art Journal pages, mini albums, mini layouts and just more inspiration from us to you ..



Mye Murrell:

A little bit about Mye:

I'm Myeshia, (My-esh-a) but I go by Mye! I'm a Military brat who now resides in Indy and loves all things crafty. Married and mother of two very active children. My son (13 years old) is involved with basketball, football, track as well as plays the trumpet for his Middle School band. While my daughter (9 years old) is very active with competitive gymnastics. They both give me plenty of reasons to take photos on a regular. By day I'm a computer analysts for a hospital, and when I'm not playing "taxi mom" I'm in my scrapbook room, playing with paper and glue!

I’ve been scrapping for the past four years, but have recently become serious about it. I love every minute of it, it allows me to be creative and gives me just the "me time" I need. My style varies, but I tend to lean on the clean and simple though I like the "busy look". However, I don't always know how to achieve it myself! My inspiration comes from many places, but the I'm really inspired by good photographs and color. When I’m not in my scraproom I can be found relaxing with my family, editing photographs, reading or hitting the gym.

So excited to be part of the DesignX team and can’t wait to see what challenges it brings!

My blog address: http://myemurrell.typepad.com/myespot/

Rachel Whetzel:

A little bit about Rachel:

Thrift junkie. Free Spirit. Believer. Artist. Photographer. Mom to boys. Rust Lover. Worm Farmer. Blogger. Creative Soul. Rule Bender. Spider Saver. Coffee Drinker. Cream Lover. Sailor Mouth. Music Listener. Phone Talker. Garden Grower. Mess Maker. Risk Taker. Good Intender.

My blog address: http://www.minetothine.com

Kristina Kiessig:

A little bit about Kristina:

My name is Kristina. I am the wife of Scott, the male version of me, mother to Samwise, my five year old charming little guy, Emma, my three year old little spitfire, and Winston, my hound dog.
I have been scrapping on and off for the past three years but I have always been creative in some way or another. I draw my inspiration from everywhere. Fashion, color, and the day to day beauty in my life are constantly inspiring me.

I am a professional photographer by trade and am lucky enough to have a hobby like scrap booking that allows me to take something I do professionally and take it a new level.
I love to take pictures, art journal, scrapbook and have just started learning how to sew. I love that I can incorporate all of these things into scrapping.

I have kept a journal since I was 11 years old and although I tend to keep a lot of it private, I am excited to be challenged and to challenge others here at the design experiment. I am hoping to let down my guard.

I'm looking forward to being a part of this team!

My blog address: http://kkiessigphotography.typepad.com/the_kiessig_family/

We cannot wait to get started working with you ladies .. .

X Team


Quick Update

Posted by The Design Experiment on 11:20 AM
Still working on the blog everyone. We also have some special people we would like to talk about coming up for our next challenge .. so stay tuned. Oh Yah ..you seet hat lil bitty number ONE at the top of the post .. well that is what you click on to leave a comment .. I am still trying to figure out how to make that bigger and or change it .. lol.


Challenge #48

Posted by The Design Experiment on 10:34 AM
Hey Experimenters!

Hope you all are having a fabulous week so far. This week we'd like you to experiment things that you miss in your life. So this week's experiment is:

What is something that you miss? We all have things that we miss in life. Perhaps it’s a loved one that is no longer here or a friend you’ve lost contact with. Maybe it’s an object like a house you grew up in or a favorite car? Maybe it’s something less tangible like a feeling. Whatever it may be, dig deep and tell me what you miss.....

Ladies, you have two weeks to show us what you miss. Can't wait to see your takes on this.

This week we are joined by the fabulous, Emily Anderson.

A little bit about Emily:

I'm Emily, wife to Keith and mother to 3 little people (soon to be 4 little people!) I love pretty much anything crafty and creative. Scrapbooking takes a front seat (after photography) because I love the fact that I'm preserving precious memories for my kids (and hopefully their kids, and their kids...and so on). I have a great and supportive husband who allows my creative brain to flow through everything (even the way I dress--which sometimes, he just doesn't get!). And I'm blessed with 3 sweet little beans that i get to take numerous pictures of on a daily basis and then scrap those aforementioned pictures! My kids will never be able to say that they don't have any pictures of them from when they were little! you can view my daily ramblings at www.andersonfamilycrew.blogspot.com. i've been so sick with this pregnancy, so my blog hasn't been updated as much as it normally is, but i'm slowly getting back into the groove!

Thank you Emily for joining us this week and inspiring us with your layout.

My Girls

By Emily Anderson


I miss these girls and our friendships so much! Even though we have our blogs and the phone, it's still not the same. Moving across the country meant sacrificing a lot, but I hope I always have these girls. 2008

I Miss Spending Time With You

By Glenda


You used to love to do my hair and we would laugh and be silly and have so much fun together. I miss that.

Paige we used to have so much fun together you and I. I hope that we will be able to again in the future because I really miss it. There is a saying that goes "cherish the little things for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things."

Miss You

By Amy

Amy says:

This layout is about my son's best friend, who died in 2003 from leukemia. I miss him every single day.


There is so much I miss about Jeffrey-his smile, his non-stop personality and so much more. Most of all, I miss the future you two would have had. You two were so much more than best friends and I mourn that loss each and every day.

D.C. Blooms

By Mia

Mia says:

I've been missing D.C. a lot lately, a lot of my friends & family are still there. If there's one thing I remember around spring that I miss it's these beautiful blooms.


In the late 1990s, for the better part of almost 4 years I called D.C. my home. I loved every bit of this wonderful city. Now that I'm in the Philippines, I miss it so much. But during this time of the year, I long for the stunning cherry blossoms on the banks of the Tidal Basin.

Ladies, you know the drill!

Once you have completed your layout, please leave us a comment in this post with a link to your layout.

We can't wait to see YOUR takes on the challenge! We hope that if you've never joined us for a challenge here at The Design Experiment, that you are inspired to do so today!

See you fabulous ladies again on the 24th of May!